This just out. If you have read my previous post about who is out there saving us from dangerous radiation emissions, you will know that the FCC is in court. The Environmental Health Trust and The Children's Health Defense Fund have taken them to court because they refuse to regulate the wild wild west of wifi for dangerous power densities that have been causing illnesses and health conditions for decades.
The US District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found in favor of the EHT and the CHDF. They found the FCC, which has the authority to provide safety exposure standards, has done nothing to update their 1996 standard that basically says if it doesn't heat the skin, it can't do damage. The FCC was given thousands of scientific studies that show harm from RF, even the 2018 National Institute of Health Study that concluded "clear evidence of cancers and DNA strand breaks.'" They were given testimony by the RF injured, medical doctors, health organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics, and they basically thumbed their noses at all of them and insisted that their 1996 standards, based on disproven science, was all they needed.
That attitude is coming to an end it seems as a Federal Court has said they are in violation of their regulatory duties for basically thumbing their noses at the enormous amount of evidence.
Will we see warning labels on wireless devices similar to cigarettes? Will we see engineers actually putting some know how on how to lower power densities and make cell phones safer, routers safer? Will we see children in schools being protected like they do in France which has a "no wifi" rule in the lower grade levels?
Watch and wait. That is for sure. In order to really see what the FCC has been doing since 1996, consider this analogy between car emissions and wireless emissions. Today's router is like driving a 1973 polluting Chevy Impala, driving around with smoke billowing out the exhaust. What we need are routers that drive like Toyota Priuses. Very little exhaust coming out the back. The FCC has managed to give the wireless industry such a pass on standards that it has come to this. Keep that image in mind when you start seeing changes. Hopefully, this year.
Here is Robert Kennedy's news release at The Children's Defense Fund.
One point Dafna Tachover made in the press release video at CHDF was that when someone tells you--like school districts, etc--that they are in compliance with FCC radiation standards, you can now say, a Federal Court has deemed them inadequate, and they now mean nothing according to Federal District Court of Appeals. This gives a lot to celebrate for those unsung political activists out there.