Videos and Educaton Online
Generaton Zapped Documentary with interviews from scientists and doctors who have expertise in the health consequences of microwave radiation
Searching for a Golden Cage Documentary about the lives of people with EHS
My Videos on Brighteon My own explanations of EMFs and navigating the world as someone with electromagnetic sensitivity. I explain work arounds and working with others to ensure you have a a safe place.
Take Back Your Power, Josh del Sol's documentary on the hazards of smart meters.
Resonance: Beings of Frequency, documentary on the increasing use of microwave energy forms and how that interferes with biological and earth processes.
Jimmy Gonzalez, attorney addresses Florida City Counsel about brain cancer and cell phones This website gives a 30 minute webinar for those who are new to wireless radiation hazards. The webinar explains the research, how the devices produce this electrosmog, and ways to protect your health when using them. The webinar costs around $5. Good to show family members and schools.
Wireless Wake Up Call, a Ted Talk by Jeremy Johnson who is an electrical engineer who became EHS and talks about the real hazards of wireless
A German repository of over 33,000 studies showing harmful effect of EMFs
Another repository of about 4,000 studies showing harmful effects of EMFS
Doctors and Scientists Who Are Experts in their Field
Dr. Martha Herbert, has studied cognitive disorders including autism that are linked to microwave radiation such as is emitted by wifi and wireless devices
Dr. Martin Blank, previous head Dept physiology and cellular biophysics, Columbia School of Medicine. Has studied the destructive interaction of radio frequencies in the human body.
Martin Pall, biochemist Washington State University found how electromagnetic fields affect calcium ion gated channels in the cells which have a destructive effect on cells and create symptoms
Magda Havas, PhD professor emerita Trent University Canada, has researched blood, sperm and heart affects of microwave radiation.
Dr. Erica Mallory Blythe treats patients with electromagnetic sensitivity, advises and educates
Dr. Jack Kruse, explains the hazards of blue light on the mitochondria as well as gives warnings about 5g on the health of everyone
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, doctor in Seattle Washington, treats the elcetrically sensitive, focuses in on therapeutic natural treatments along with cleaning up home of EMF
Dr. Zach Bush, MD in Charlotte, Virginia who has expertise treating EHS in a wholistic way
Physicians for Safe Technology. This is a good website to show the doctor you are trying to educate. It is a professional organization that legitimizes microwave hazards to the general public and health professionals
Devra Davis Phd, long standing and passionate activists working to stop the proliferation of non ionizing radiation such as smart meters, wifi, smart devices etc. She runs the website called environmental health trust,
Jerry Day, shows ways to get rid of your smart meter and explains the hazards of these devices. He runs a website called
Tech Safe Schools, a place to find resources for education school districts on the hazards of wifi in the schools.
Cell Phone Task Force, Author of The Invisible Rainbow, Aurther Firstenberg was one of the very first people who became affected by cell phone radiation and has been working since the 90s to educate and oppose expansion of towers and antenna that support wireless. Read his 5g appeal and sign it. This website has decades of newsletters regarding the hazards of wireless radiation. Jeremy Johnson's website with lots of helpful work around for wireless technologies
Legal Assistance
Ray Broomhall, Australian attorney who has used criminal law to aid in the fight against cell towers
Andrew Campanelli, as listed on the anti cell tower lawyers website
We Are the Evidence, Attorny Dafna Tachover is active at spreading the word of the harmful effects of radiation as well as representing clients who need protection in the school and work environment
Susan Clarke at
She has worked with communities to successfully prevent 5g cell antennae from being installed in neighborhoods.
5G Appeals
Attorney Julian Gresser 5g appeal site