Our electrical grid is grounded. They ground our houses to the dirt, they ground the utility poles to the dirt. They ground the transformers in front of your house to the dirt. The utility goes to a lot of trouble to ground almost everything in sight that carries electricity? Why would they do that you might ask? Two reasons. One, it stabilizes the electrical potential to earth. I think that means that it prevents the electricity from going all wild. When electric fields are not grounded, they go all wild and cause disruptions to sensitive electric systems. We're sensitive electric systems. Think about that. The other reason is to provide a path to ground to prevent shocking people should there be an accident.
They know, through experience, that electricity that is out of control--not grounded--can go all over the place and increase in power causing heat and shock potential.
We're electric. We have current running through us. Hmmm. Ponder that idea.
If we wern't electric, EEGs and EKGs wouldn't work on us.
Clint Ober pondered this idea back in the 90's. He installed cable TV systems for a living. One day he was watching a group of people walking around in plastic soled tennis shoes, and the realization hit him. We are no different from the power grid. We need grounding too, but we can't because we are insulated through our plastic soled shoes, house flooring, asphault--not concrete as concrete connects to ground. Our cars insulate us, our buildings insulate us, and our shoes insulate us from the electrical ground of the earth.
So, in other words, our bodies' electrical systems needs to be grounded in order to stabilize us to the earth's potential and prevent shock and fire (think inflammation of our body, the key word being "flame.")
It didn't used to be like this. Prehistoric man went barefoot everywhere, and was always in contact with the earth's grid. Even when they invented shoes, the shoe sole was made of leather and allowed the earth's electrons to pass through. With the advent of all our modern conveniences, we need to make work arounds to establish connection to the earth again.
I'm not going to go into detail about all the research and study on this. You can read about it on your own at The Earthing Institute . This is the Clint Ober site. You can also sit back and relax to this You Tube video and hear him speak. I just want to provide a background, so you will understand how this relates to EMF and your body and home.
There are plenty of earthing products out there such as the Earth Runner sandals, and other chair and mattress pads from different companies. Heck, you can even make your own products with wire, aluminum foil tape, aluminum radiant barrier foil, and a stake in the ground or ground plug for the home electrical system. I have a car "earthing" pad I made using strips of aluminum foil tape and wire attached to the chassis of the car via the metal bracket which attaches to the seat. You can ground in an airplane by putting your barefoot toe on a metal chair barcket as well by the way. Airplanes have to have a grounding system, or their sensitive electronics won't work properly. You can access that grounding system.
My point is you can ground a lot of ways, and the earthing idea is becoming more accepted and so more companies are out there making "work around" products to get us back to the ground. Just sit or stand barefoot on the earth. Those electrons are free. I find grounding in lakes, streams and rivers are even better. Stand barefoot on your concrete porch that is touching the ground. Clint has an adobe floor in direct contact with the earth throughout his home that he walks barefoot all day on, so he is connected 24/7. The more, the better.
Now that I've given you a bit of background on what grounding or earthing is, I want to give a little advice on how grounding relates to reducing EMF in your home.
There is a thought floating around out there that earthing will protect you from all the EMFs in your home, so now that you have a nice earthing pad, you have license to blast away all the devices you want in your home with no worries. I wouldn't exactly agree with that statement.
We don't know enough about the 5g digitized, modulated wave forms the engineers have invented, and which have never been proven safe. Will a grounding mat protect you from brain cancer if you blast your brain with airpods all day? The National Institute of Health did a study in 2018 showing brain and heart cancers in rats exposed to just 3g. What would 5g have done to those rats?
There is a theory that when you ground you create a Faraday Cage around your body that makes EMFs just slide right on by. That may be true, but I also know that a smart meter can slice through a metal screen Faraday Cage becuase of the frequency and power behind it. I've seen it on my meter. Some of the 5g is beam formed, so that means it can go places other EMFs can't get to. That being said, I have also experienced that grounding mat Faraday Cage effect. When I first moved into my new place, it hadn't been properly shielded from the neighbor's wifi on the other side of the wall and I was getting symptoms. When I used a grounding mat, I did not get symptoms even though the power density was such that ungrounded I was getting symptoms.
Certainly use grounding mats. They are very beneficial, but don't reley on them to protect you from 5g. Neurosurgeon Jack Kruse has predicted that the new 5g wave forms are so hazardous to the body, you could be outside in nature under the sun with all fours connected to the earth, and you would not escape damage given enough closeness to enough emitters. Even power density won't be a factor he predicts. In other words, it won't take much.
The second issue is it is difficult for most people to ground 24/7. Most people can easily put a grounding pad on the mattress and sleep for eight hours on it, but as soon as your feet touch the acrilic carpeting, you're undgrounded. What about the times you are moving around and not on your grounding mat? If your home is full of EMF pollution, you won't be protected while you are ungrounded.
Again, I can't stress enough, that if it is in your power to clean up the EMF pollution in your home, by all means do it along with grounding.
The last reason to clean up the EMF pollution in your home is simply moral. It is taking consideration of guests, pets, plants, insects and nature into account. The FCC counts how many cell phones are sold on the market in order to calculate how many new cell towers they need. If you keep buying wireless devices, they keep building towers and emitters polluting the planet in places that also have life, like animals and plants. Thank goodness those life forms are still connected to the earth's grounding system, so they get some protection, but they are still being damaged, especially birds and bees that use the earth's electric grid to navigate and migrate. There are studies that show those cell tower's microwave forms interfere with the earth's wave forms. This is why some honeybees can't make it back to the hive and homing pigeons can't make it back to their owners.
The last concern I have floating in my head is the concern over whether to ground to a stake outside the house, or to the house electrical grounding system. I know some Building Biologists will not, under any circumstances, connect to the grounding system of the house because of the dirty electricity on the wiring. We in Building Biology call it microsurge electrical pollution. It's called noise, hash, harmonics, transients elsewhere. The electric grid is polluted with high frequency wave forms that are put there by most electronics we use and plug into a socket, especially smart meters and solar inverters. The utility company knows about them but most people do not. I won't go into all the detail, but it's like these little hitchiker currents that ride along the 60 hertz sine wave of your house electricity. Here is a picture of what that looks like on Jeromy Johnson's website emfanalysis The reason they are more damaging is because they are at a higher frequency, and they are erratic, not smooth and analog. Your house electricity is runinng at 60 hertz. These hitchikers are running at 2 thousand hertz to 10 thousand hertz along with your 60 hertz wave. Many studies have linked them to various health problems. Sam Milham, doctor and researcher and Magda Havas have detailed research if you want to learn more.
I am on the fence on this issue. While I believe Clint Ober's analysis of the situation that because the house wiring is grounded to the earth, you aren't picking up the transients on the wire, I also like to hedge my bets. I have actually felt fine grounded using the house grounding system, but for my permanent set up, I use a stake pounded into the ground outside. Make sure the ground is moist, as dry ground is less conductive.
Ultimately, you will have to make the decision you feel comfortable with and maybe do some research, as they say. Maybe get a Stetzer meter and find out how much MEP (multisurge electrical pollution) you have on your lines. If you have over 1,000 grahm stetzer units, I would be a little leary. If you have less than 100, maybe not so much.
I beleive, and always will say, your body is your best meter. If you are feeling icky, don't do it. Listen to your body. If you feel calm, restful, peaceful, and can breath deeply, it must be working. Be sure to clean up the EMF, and you will get the best of both worlds.