You know what would really improve this picture? If there were a blue CAT 6 ethernet cord going out of that laptop to an RJ45 ethernet port, this would make their technology use safe.
Most people wouldn't think that way about this picture which is why Cece Douchette's wirelesseducation.org is so valuable. Cece is a technical writer and activist who helped her local public school raise funds to get wireless into classrooms in the early days of wireless technologies. After she became educated in the helath effects, she realized the mistake of blindly allowing this radiation into the schools without any health safetly testing.
Ever since then she has been working to educate people about the hazards of wifi and bluetooth, especially to the most vulnerable, which is the children.
Recently, she along with other activist created a online course that is about 30 minutes long that gives the basics on how to use this technology in a safer manner.
It is good for family members as well as local schools.
If you are reading this, you probably already know enough about the hazards of wireless radiation, but if you need to persuade a family member you are living with about this information, here is a way you can educate them, so they know why you are taking the steps you are taking to protect yourself. If you want to educate your school, this is a course schools can buy for their employees as well.
For an individual, it costs $8.80. I took it and scored 92 percent on the quizes. I wanted a 100 percent, but I'm not a good test taker. You get a safe use of tech handout at the end as well as a certificate of completion. Here is the handout you get. It is a nice way to quickly show others ways to use their devices more safely.