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Low Emitting Wireless Router--If You Must Have Wifi

Writer's picture: Sheila ReavillSheila Reavill

While doing research for finding the router access gateway for lowering router transmit power, I found this little gem. Normally, I would not call any wireless router a gem, a semi precious stone or even dignify it with igneous rock status. That said, this wifi router makes much less electrical pollution than standard routers. What it sounded like to me on the meter that Lloyd Burrell of used--His Review Here--was the difference between a machine gun (standard router) and a sniper (jrs eco100). Instead of ten bullets per second. Yes, this is the sound I do get on my own meter. That's how I know I'm listening to a router and not an Iphone. Instead of ten bullets per second, you get only one bullet per second.

Now, I will say over and over again. A wired connection is the best option, especially if you are electrosensitive. However, if you are at an in between stage or living with someone who will not listen to you or the 27,000 studies on the harmful effects of microwave radiation, this probably will be better than being exposed to the standard router.

Plus, it has a feature that shuts it off when not in use. And you can program it to shut off while you sleep.

It is priced at $274 which is about middle of the road for wireless routers. I would call it an investment in your health.

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