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EMF Protection in the Car

Writer's picture: Sheila ReavillSheila Reavill

It's becoming more EMF toxic out on the road. Not only do you have more hidden small cell antenna to blast you at the intersections, the cars are becoming more RF intense. When I'm out on the road with my meter, I can see the car on my meter before I see it with my eyes. It spikes red.

EMFs in Cars These Days

I was talking with a Ford field technician and asked him about the RF sources in today's new cars. Though he said the industry is moving towards more hard wired ethernet connections, there are still RF sources. The top three are the tire sensors that send out signals at intervals, then there is the radar from the cruise control that measures the distance from your car to the car ahead of you. I'm assuming the radar is directed to the car ahead, but I haven't measured it with my meter yet. I asked him about the GPS, and though he said there is no signal going out, only an antennae to receive, I would like to measure it with a meter to see for myself. The third source is Bluetooth, though, he said that only gets activated if you have a device sending out a signal calling for it.

One of the biggest sources is in your own hands. Cell phones give off considerable radiation. Putting them on airplane mode or turning it off while driving though isn't an option with some vocations, so what do you do?

Shielded and Hooded Ponchos

The above picture shows the EMF protection hooded poncho. They have one without a hood, but I recommend the hood since your brain is a very important organ. They come from Less EMF. If you a have to be out on the road with a cell phone on, this could help significantly.

I must say, they are very soothing to wear. If you have EHS, this has got to be an investment you make for your health. There is something about the fabric that is extra special. I have worn EMF protection clothing for years, and nothing I've worn gives the sense of peace that this poncho does. It's amazing. It's ugly, yes, but it's amazing.

Other Considerations

Older cars are best. Pre 2010 seem to have less gadgetry than the newer cars. I am told old diesel Mercedes are pretty low. Electric cars send out electric fields that even though they may not be high, create a field that is not a normal curvy sine wave, and can cause problems for some people.

Window Film

This can cut down radiation through the biggest vulnerability in a car, the windows. Safe Living Technologies sells rolls of window film that can be applied to car windows and block the RF coming through them. Be careful that there are no RF sources inside the car first, because they will trap the existing sources in the car and could make things worse.

As they say, be safe on the road.

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