The Internet of Things. That is the foundation of 5g. Get all the devices connected in rapid order. Self driving cars, AI, virtual reality, smart homes. Get things on demand at break neck speed. Convenience. Running out of bandwidth for high data demands. These are many of the considerations for the creation of the next generation of cellular technology.
Who is demanding it and whose agenda is driving it?
In July 14, 2016 the FCC fast tracked 5g trying to race with China in a technological cold war competition. Tom Wheeler, the FCC Chair, at that time, and a former wireless lobbyist, announced this in an AP Press Conference. Sometime into the speech, he was asked about health consequences of 5g, and he said, and I'm quoting, "I don't know, go ask the doctors." The truth is the FCC does know and has the studies. I downloaded one from their website from a link, an industrious searcher found for me online, that showed one of those studies that showed evidence of harm at 4g. But, as Wheeler earlier stated, we are going to make billions of dollars from this. So it's really OK. Even though there are 27,000 studies.
Just a little background before we get started.
Before we go into some of the technologies--briefly--of 5g let's start at the very beginning. The first thing you have to understand about your cell phone is it really is just a glorified walkie talkie. It doesn't make you smarter or cooler. It sends and receives signals through the air. Think of a walkie talkie with a computer strapped onto it. The signal is called man made bi directional non ionizing radiation. The "bi" means sending and receiving two ways. The "non ionizing" means the energy isn't strong enough to kick an electron off an atom like x rays do. The radiation means energy going out. It's not like the energy of the sun. The sun has a smooth analog wave form. The man made is digitized which means it samples your voice which is a smooth, natural and non harmful waveform, and it takes samples of it, not the complete waveform, as your voice's waveform is virtually infinite. Those samples are converted to 0s and 1s, assembled and broadcast through the air to a base station and routed to another caller where it is reassembled in a digitized "wave" form. It sounds like your friend or whomever you are calling's voice, but on the waveform level is only part of your friend's voice. Anyway, cool techy tidbit, but we need to move on.
The beginning was 1g. Remember g at this point doesn't stand for gigahertz (billion cycles per second). This g means generation or "what comes next." One g was voice only in an analog waveform. They were big phones, very expensive that were used in the 80s.
Two g was voice and text, so now there is data coming across the air waves. These phones were less costly and affordable and came out in the 1990s. More cell towers started coming online as more people started using them for emergencies on the road, or other small amounts of time as minutes were not cheap. Not in their houses. Everyone had a landline for their homes still and were in the habit of sitting down in their living rooms or bedrooms to make calls and have long conversations.
Three g was voice, text, and now data or pictures. You could take a picture and send it to a friend, you could access the internet. This came about in the early 2000s. Now more and more people were using cell phones and more and more cell towers were popping up everywhere. Still people kept their landlines and only used the cell phone periodically. Mostly it was turned off. Use in the car was still the acceptable place for cell phones, though now people were using them at home as well, but not as much as away from home. Costs were still a consideration, so people began considering eliminating costs such as the landline, and switching to the cell phone to save money.
Four g introduced something new. Streaming. Now you could watch movies on your cell phone, You Tube etc. Costs were still affordable, and so now more and more time was spent away from the TV or landline, and on the phone only. It was portable, you could go into another room and watch only what you wanted to watch.
During this progression of unquestioned, technological advancement, billions of emitting devices and increasing installations of cell transmitters began being installed. At the same time, disease process began to skyrocket: brain cancers, cancers of all types, depression, Alzheimers, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, heart arrhythmias, digestive disorders, uncontrolable diabetes.
And now we are at 5g. Researchers who are studying 4 g health effects predict that 5 g will increase all the afore mentioned disease processes and create new ones. Why?
Two reasons, increased transmitters, and new waveforms that are alien to your body.
Now I will touch briefly on the technologies of 5g. In order to satisfy the demand for data the IoT will entail, there will need to be massive amounts of power and quicker signaling How is it made? There is a laundry list of technologies: massive MIMO antennae, virtualizing, full duplexing of signal, millimeter wave form, phased array antennae, small cell antennae, additional bands of frequency, satellites. There is more, but it is really massively boring, so suffice it to say, they are making a technological Frankenstein and inventing it as they go along, still not sure it will even work the way they want it to.
The key things to think about regarding health is distance, power, wave form, pulses.
I want to mention a controversial figure, Mark Steele, who has been branded with the "conspiratory" smear on some websites. He is an engineer and weapons expert who has studied the mechanics of the 5g system and the correlating health effects. I have to agree with him on the health effects as meters don't lie, and neither do 27,000 peer reviewed studies. You can find about 4,000 peer reviewed studies at Whether the 5g infrastructure is intentionally harming people or unintentionally harming people is beside the point. It's coming no matter what our opinion. Mark's opinion is that to understand 5g, you have to think in terms of densification. Cramming more signals into smaller spaces and more transmitters into smaller spaces. The millimeter wave may or may not be used as much as it has been touted, and may even be abandoned as it is problematic when it comes to penetrating buildings. He's measuring higher power levels, as am I, and seeing more health effects like bloody noses, as am I, near high power density areas. You can view an interview with home here
The year 2018 was the year active small cells were being installed in Sacramento California's Pocket area. An Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist certified Building Biologist I know lived in that neighborhood. He explained it like this. Imagine you are in a prisoner of war camp, and the spotlight sweeps the yard at night looking for escaping prisoners. If you run to avoid the sweep you can get to the wall, but as soon as the spotlight finds you it has you in its beam where ever you run. The 5g millimeter wave antennae works like that. If you have a 5g phone, and the 5g antennae finds you, it will lock onto you and nobody else. There will be a 4g small cell antennae that will just sweep 24/7, and when it finds the 5g phone it will turn on the 5g millimeter beam formed signal and begin communicating with your phone.
The 4g small cell antennae is one of the biggest concerns for health because instead of a big cell tower down the road a half a mile away, you now have small cell towers every 2-10 houses. Maybe even on your home or apartment building. Now instead of getting sprayed 24/7 with 10 micro watts of power from the distant cell tower, you are getting hit strait on with 13,000 to 147,000 or more micro watts of power 24/7. If you think of a cell tower as a big sprinkler, you know that the closer you are to the sprinkler the more you are going to be blasted. The farther away you are from the sprinkler, the less of a problem it is. A small cell is like being right next to a fire hydrant with a hose connected that is blasting out full bore.
So, in the EMF community, we all know about the damaging effects of up close and personal 4g small cell antennae. Can you defend yourself against it? Yes, but it is very expensive and time consuming. It will require the expertise of an EMF certified Building Biologist. Here is a link to a Sacramento Building Biologist who is dealing with mitigating a 4g small cell exposure for a family. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the home.
The dual one two punch of the 4g small cell with the 5g beam formed millimeter wave brings us to another hazard. The millimeter wave itself. Become familiar with the electromagnetic light spectrum. Here is a link to a good chart. If you scroll down a bit on the page, you will see a chart that lists all the wave forms from the 60 hertz cycle that powers your home to the cosmic rays on the other side of the chart. Microwaves are slightly above radio waves and getting closer to the light spectrum. As the frequency increases, the length of the wave decreases. The millimeter wave has a length the size of the name itself in millimeters. What's unique about this waveform is that unlike radio waves which we have all experienced, millimeter waves are unknown to our body. They will be created and transmitted in a form that is alien to our bodies by engineers who know nothing about microbiology. The scientists who do research biological effects have little data on how the millimeter waves will affect us all long term. You might hear some from the industry say that microwaves are found in nature. They are, but the difference is the ones in nature are analog, not pulsed, and they are rare in deep space and our atmosphere protects us from them.
The first speculations about what the millimeter waves do to human beings is safe sounding. They say since the microwaves don't have enough energy to get through walls like the lower bands of microwave energy do, they can't get through the wall of the skin. However, that is not entirely true since the millimeter waves will be beam formed creating a much more powerful energy packet. The other problem is the Brillouin effect. This effect can be caused by millimeter waves. Essentially, since the wave is so small, the charges create a type of antennae effect pushing the energy deeper into the body. What this will do to human beings is not well known.
Dr. Martin Paul from Washington State University has been studying microwave effects on the biological processes. He predicts that since the millimeter wave energy has major effects on water, the organs of the body that contain the most water will be the ones affected. More spontaneous abortions and kidney disease.
There are other effects from 5g that I will not go into here since there isn't enough measuring of them yet, such as jump conduction. That is basically the air becomes so saturated with microwave energy that it has nowhere to go but to a the nearest conductor which would be the wiring in your house, a light post, the utility wires. If you're not already scared enough, let's continue on.
Now that you are scared out of your wits, I will save the best for last. The satellites. At first, I assumed that since the satellites are so far away, they could not possibly deliver enough power to affectively do anything to anyone. I was wrong. I think. If what I remember reading right, the frequency level is in the megahertz, something like 900-2100 megahertz, but I don't know anything about the wave form. Arthur Firstenburg is one who made the initial report to have felt the 2 g cell towers, and he's the first to be monitoring the health effects of the satellites as they go up into space. There was a new batch of satellites, 60, sent up by SpaceX, and 36 by One Web, on March 25, 2021 that was documented. Also, SpaceX increased it's speed to 400 mbs. Arthur received many emails from the electro sensitive community who felt different effects on that date, the dominant one being insomnia. You can find his website at I would suggest signing up for his newsletter, as you will get the latest on the satellites. He says that the satellites affected people's head, hands and feet with pain or itching. The documentation was in his newsletter. The new question now goes further to how do I protect myself to how do I protect the electrical circuit of the planet and sky. The head and feet are the entrance and exit points of our own electrical circuit with the earth and sky.
We are heading into new territory folks. The Building Biologists have effectively managed to mitigate 4g, but people who contacted Arthur had already been living in shielded homes and were experiencing the satellite phenomena. How do you shield yourself from stuff coming in from outer space? Do you just not go outside? Can it get through our radiant barrier foils? How do you measure millimeter wave short of owning an expensive spectrometer? There are no affordable meters that go into the millimeter range, so we are really blind to it right now. What it boils down to is you can be scared and anxious, or you can see this as a new opportunity to learn about the new beast and find the answers to tame it.
In the next blog, I will be giving you protective strategies that have worked in the past for the electrically sensitive as far as 4g is concerned and also my thoughts on my own experiences dealing with these energies in their present form. I believe it is still possible to live a decent healthy life in the electrically polluted planet we inhabit. If you are electrically sensitive, it's more important now to listen to your body and be sensitive to your own internal signals. If you are not electrically sensitive, you are fortunate, but be careful non the less. Several decades ago, only three percent of the population was considered electrically sensitive, experiencing symptoms. Now with all the man made energies saturating our homes, that number has increased to 32 percent. Some people predict with 5g everyone will become electrically sensitive. I hope that isn't true.
There are two people that I know of who are actively working to find answers to these new problems, Arthur Firstenberg and Magda Havas. Magda is working on a project called BRAG where she is enlisting members of the public to measure radio frequency levels in their own communities in order to get data on what's going on around the globe. If you can afford a Safe and Sound Pro meter $385, you can use it in the project. I would recommend this meter just for anyone to have because, as I always say, without a meter you are blind to what you are being exposed to. At the very least, get on Arthur's mailing list for newsletters.