I chose the image above, not to give a positive impression of cell phones, but to show you that being free of 5g is literally in the palm of your hands. Literally. The biggest hit you will get from 5g radiation will come from your smart phone that you hold in your hand. Let it go.
Much of the public is addicted to their cell phones. They were designed to be so. If you continue to use your 5g phone or your tablet or even your 4g cell phone you will never be free of 5g. It will punch the heck out of your body every time you use it. The cell phone is the single device that will deliver the biggest blow to your body. Worse than routers, worse than cell towers, worse than satellites. The key idea about 5g is densification. Densification of signal and power. The 5g phone is so dense with power, you would be better off standing under some cell phone towers.
Best Practice: Use your wired computer for internet access. Use a VOIP, (voice over internet protocol or "internet phone") hand held (the kind with the curly cord), wired phone at home. Don't use a cordless phone as that spews out radiation worse than a cell phone believe it or not. Print out your maps from Google maps before you drive, and keep a US paper Atlas and assorted paper maps in your car. You don't need GPS. A 4g phone with no smart capabilities will do if it is off, and use it only in emergencies or to coordinate briefly with someone.
Second Best Practice: Limit use of smart phone to essential needs while you are away from home and save your social surfing for when you are home with a wired computer. Never put the phone next to your ear. Use speaker phone or air tube wired head phones. Put it in airplane mode whenever you can, and take it out of airplane mode when you need to check calls or texts. Never keep it in you pocket if you are a guy or in your bra if you are a gal. These sensitive areas are prone to more damage.
Dispose of the internet of things. These devices use blue tooth, wifi or cellular signals. The closer they are to your body, especially the head, the more radiation you are being bathed in.
1) air pods
2) fit bits
3) wireless hearing aides
4) wireless tablets, computers, laptops unless wired up with ethernet and no wifi or blue tooth
5) wireless printers unless you can turn off the transmitters and wire it up
6) smart TVs unless you can turn off the transmitters and wire it up
7) Nest thermostat (heavy radiater)
8) Ring doorbell
9) wireless security systems unless you can turn off transmitters and wire it up
10) any appliance with blue tooth
11) baby monitors (wired versions exist as well as low emitting ones)
12) wireless gaming systems (wired is faster and more secure)
13) anything that says smart or blue tooth
For most people, this is all scattered all over the house and car. It's a rather daunting job to find it all let alone clean up the electrical pollution in the house, and we haven't even gotten started on the router yet. Someone in the family might balk at heaving their cool device in the garbage. This is where tact and education come into play. There may have to be compromises such as turning off when not in use or putting in a Faraday bag when not in use as some of these devices do not turn off. There may be wrapping in foil to at least dampen the signal.
Remember the three rules of getting free of 5g. One, distance yourself from it, two turn it off, three shield it. It's best to turn it off of you can.
The biggest emitters are your cell phone, if you use it a lot, and your router. I would say, by far, the router now days is the biggest polluter. If you could hard wire your router and turn off the wifi, you would do well in cleaning up the biggest polluter in the house. If you live with someone who will not turn off the wifi on the router, you can dampen the signal with special pouches and foils. Also, you can go into the gateway and lower the power. Here is my blog on how to do that. At the very least you can turn off the router at night when you sleep. Here is another wireless router that pollutes a lot less than standard routers.
Smart meters. Get rid of your smart meter in favor of an analog mechanical one. Most States have an opt out form or will take your request over the phone. Contact Customer Service if the internet does not yield the information. Here is a list of state by state policies. Click on the state on the interactive map to see what your state policies are with opt out. Ask for an opt out. Don't be shy about it. They know smart meters wake people up during the night. The States have heard testimony by activists in the 2010-2012 era when they were first being installed and waking people up during the night. It may come as a surprise, but before 2010, all people slept through the night. No one got up to go pee. You slept until the alarm woke you up or the cat. Insomnia was rare.
Last but not least is the topic of shielding. I need to do a separate blog on shielding because it is rather expensive and time consuming. You need to have a bit of expertise to do it right. The way it is now days, with all the radiation from cell towers to your neighbor's smart meter and security systems, stuff is coming into your home even after you clean it up. Not as much by far, but a little is still coming in. You have to get a meter to know for sure. I recommend the Accoustiom 2
What I will say in this blog is that with satellites aiming directly from overhead, it wouldn't be a bad idea to spread radiant barrier foil in the attic. This is standard procedure to block the downward aim of local cell towers. Radiant barrier foil is a double sided aluminum foil on a sturdy plastic core. Builders use it to help reflect solar radiant heat away from the house and keep heat in the house as an insulator. It is the best shielding material we have to date. You can get a big roll at Safe Living Technologies here It should be properly grounded to the dirt outside with a stake. Take a roll of stereo wire and attatch the bare copper wire to the foil, and drape out the attic down to a stake in the ground and keep the ground near the stake moist for proper conduction. The voltage it will have is negligible almost non perceptible, but for EHS people it makes a difference. If neighbors wonder what all the foil is and make a tin foil hat joke, just remind them it is aluminum; tinfoil doesn't block the radiation. But they probably won't because it is a radiant barrier foil is a building material many people use to insulate their homes with.
Shielding Your Body
When I first become electro sensitive, I purchased a lot of shielded clothing. I wore them a lot. Religiously. Shielded shirt, leggings, hat. Then I became aware that I was getting really overheated in the summer. The shielding doesn't let electromagnetic radiation in, but it doesn't let it out either, and I found that the infrared heat energy my body was generating was being trapped inside, making me over heated. I tried an experiment where I went about my day without it, and there wasn't much difference in my symptoms. So, I stopped wearing shielded clothing.
Now with the satellites being launched into space, more each month, and hearing reports from other electrosensitive individuals who are having sleep issues again, I am considering getting just a hat. Walking outdoors one is most exposed to the satellites, so maybe the hat will help. It's hard to say as these satellites are new and there is even less known about how they will effect the body than there is on how millimeter wave will affect the body. If you want to try out shielded clothing Less EMF has a wide selection. The skull cap looks really great since you can wear it under a more fashionable hat. The hooded scarf is really nice. It looks elegant, and I owned one at one time, but somehow I lost it. The noggin is the best place to protect, in my opinion.
Chips and Pendants
I know chips and pendants are quite popular, and they give you the illusion that you can still use your beloved devices without any worry. I use orgonite and have used the Q Link in the past, but neither has prevented EHS symptoms, and I do not think they will protect the mitochondria and the cell walls from voltage charges that cause damage. I know they are doing something on the etheric level, but we are dealing with the physical level when it comes to physical symptoms. I can pray that the car coming at me isn't going to hurt me, but if I get in the way, I'm going to be mowed over. That is the physical level. People have to realize that electromagnetic waves, even though you can't see them, are physical.
The only time I've experienced no symptoms in a social setting with lots of devices blasting away was at a wedding. I was around lots of loving people and for some reason, I believe love has some sort of power, but it has to be a lot of love like at a wedding. Since I can't live in a wedding all my life, I have to find other solutions like cleaning up my home. Still, I believe love has a protective effect, but don't stop cleaning the electro pollution in your home because love is not always what's in a home 24/7.
I'm not saying don't buy these devices, period. Check the seller out. If the claims on the website resemble a plagiarized sophomore science essay, I would think twice before purchasing. If you've done a lot of research and the device checks out with prominent etheric or health leaders, maybe try it if it has a money back guarantee. But still, clean the electro pollution in the home.
I can't speak for all magnets as I've only used one system, but as with pendants, you need to clean up the home first, and then use them, hopefully with a money back guarantee. Neurosurgeon and 5g educator, Dr. Jack Kruse uses a magnetico pad under the mattress, and I tried it as well, and it seems to have a calming effect overall. It doesn't protect me from the smart meters outside, but I'm still experimenting with it. Some of the issue with definitively saying what it does is tied to detox. It has a powerful detoxing effect, and I'm not sure I've completely come out of detox yet. Otherwise, I would have something more definitive to say about the magnetico. Which brings me to that topic.
When you clean up the electro pollution in your home, you will be going through a detoxing of the body as well. What that is is the body now has freed up energy that it was being robbed of before from the EMFs. What it does with that energy is take out the garbage. Think about your own house. When you have a lot of energy, it's easy to clean. When you don't, your house starts getting dirty because you can't lift yourself off the couch after a hard day of work and taking care of others and such. In the body, when all the metabolized waste, toxins, heavy metals start flooding into the bloodstream to be disposed of, well that takes energy as well, and you might start feeling icky again, having a hard time sleeping, etc. How long that lasts depends on your own constitution and is different for everyone. Don't give up on cleaning the electro pollution, just keep at it and you will continue to feel better and better.
See my blog on grounding. Again, clean up the electric pollution along with grounding.
Foods, Supplements, Exercise, Sun
Protection from 5g can also include getting your body stronger to withstand what you are having to be exposed to outside the home. Even people with extreme EHS have reported, in some instances, getting better health wise allows them to withstand a few outings into the electro polluted world unharmed. Not too many, but a few. Everyone is different.
Calcium seems to be one primary mineral that can help with symptoms. Mainly, what I have deduced is that it has to do with the voltage gated calcium channels being flooded open by the voltage inherent in wifi. There are voltage gates on cell walls. Microwave energy forces the calcium gates to open and allow the cells to be flooded with calcium leading to early cell death (Martin Pall). Having more calcium in the body seems to be a protectant of sorts. Read Gittleman's Zapped. Calcium is a foundational mineral affecting all the body processes, so getting enough in the diet in the first place is important and sometimes difficult.
The question is what kind of calcium and how much? The body isn't dumb. It can tell the difference between a pill that is basically chalk (calcium carbonate) and real food. And you need to take it along with magnesium. You need to find calcium/magnesium that is bound to food. This process is called chelated. For this you can find Nutritional Balancing and Hair Analysis useful. Hair tissue is a treasure trove of information about what the body is doing with calcium: losing it or storing it. While NB is a wholistic approach to nutrition and minerals and is more complex than I'm going to go into in this blog, calcium/magnesium is a major focus. In the six years I've been dealing with EHS symptoms, I have found this useful in taming my symptoms, especially the calcium/magnesium supplements that I have been taking. Here is where I get my calcium. Scroll down to the item called Paramin.
Mushrooms. During the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing, those people who had eaten Reshi mushrooms did better at handling the damaging effects of that radiation. Dr. Klinghardt recommends mushrooms added to the diet to give the body the protection of the mushroom. Mushrooms inherently are radiation resistant in the wild.
Staying health with diet and exercise just makes your body stronger. The healthier a person is, the better they can withstand non ionizing radiation. Though everyone is different.
Sun, according to Jack Kruse, sun is a lot more important than we believe. I'll leave it to you to research his findings. Just wanted to mention that here. But blue light is starting to become known as another man made EMF. So, getting more sun and less blue light will strengthen your body as well. I will do another blog on blue light later.
Basically, whatever you do to stay healthy is good.
Legal Action
If you are electrically sensitive, you have more standing on objecting and asking for the removal of a 5g small cell antennae in front of your house. The Americans With Disabilities Act comes into play. EHS is a covered disability. The action of the cell tower company in placing a powerful microwave emitter in front of your house is in violation of this act as it places an assault on your body.
In fact, I know of lawyers who represent clients, EHS or not, who have gotten cell towers moved or removed on the basis of criminal law, stating that the tower is a physical assault on their client, and they have not even had to go to court to do this.
That said, you should know the current law on placement of cell towers. Telecommunications companies rely on an act passed in 1996 called the Telecommunications Act of 1996. There is a clause that states no municipality, state or private person may sue any of the cell tower companies based on environmental concerns. The key here is I'm not sure that your health is actually stated in the act. Many city councils assume it is, but at this writing, I'm not sure it is.
Go to my Information and Resources page and scroll down to the Legal advice section. You will see links to Ray Broomhall in Australia who has had succes in taking down plans for cell tower placement based on criminal law. You will see Andrew Campanelli, Dafna Tachover, Susan Clarke. All three have been active in helping their clients and the public navigate the legalities of cell tower placement and demanding accommodations in work places (Tachover).
Wire your router
Last but certainly not least. Wire your router and turn off the wifi. Ethernet is still available to be had should you go that route. Cable modems come in non blasting form. You can get an Arris Surfboard online or at a big box store. Call your internet service provider to find out what they accept. If you cannot do without wifi, see my previous blog on the low emitting router. At the very least turn off the router at night. Unplug it. You can get a wall switch that will save some wear and tear on your outlet and simply turn the switch off on the outlet. Don't trust ATT routers to turn off by going through the gateway. They are notoriously unreliable and seem to never turn off. With an ATT router unplug it.
If you can't get a low emitting router, sheild your router with the above mentioned barrier foil. Go into the gateway and lower the power on the power settings.
Here's the deal with relocation. The overall idea is to get as far away from density as possible because the bigger the population, the more radiating devices, towers etcetera you have to deal with. I believe that is generally true, but more and more the spread of all things radiating into the hinterlands has been accelerating and has been unpredictable. For example, they are now radiating the heck out of the Amazon Forest. The one place you would think would never be tampered with is now, for whatever reason, being blasted for reasons that seem altruistic: monitoring species, securing safety, whatever.
I've searched the Sierra Nevadas for a safe place, and it's hard. There are towers, vacation homes secured with wireless security cameras that blast into the residential streets, underground cables that radiate the weirdest sounding frequencies you ever heard.
I know of a woman and a man who moved way out into the rural spaces. The man now has to deal with magnetic fields coming from who knows where, and the woman was just informed that her neighbor is allowing a new cell tower to be build right next to her virgin, rural land. She is selling her property. I also know another man who moved out into the hinterlands and is happy as a clam there. No towers, no radiating neighbors. That home was in the rurals of Mississippi.
So, it is hit and miss. A lot of the desirable areas have already been developed, and where there is development, there is wifi. The areas that are not developed are occupied with a mix of artists and outlaws. Both are escaping civilization, but for different reasons. Buyer beware.
Sometimes you can find those odd gems of property where there is no development, the neighbors are great, and you can live a radiation free life. They say Green Bank West Virginia is like that. Green Bank has an observatory that cannot be interfered with radiation, so the laws are more strict on what is allowed by way of cell towers.
Now, on the other hand, I know of several EMRS Building Biologists, and myself, who live in densely populated suburban areas. Right in the middle of it. They have expertly shielded their homes and eliminated all the internal wifi and electric/magnetic problems. It is doable.
The only thing most of us agree on, is that the inner city, the ultra urban areas are not doable. The saturation of the air space with incredibly powerful and pervasive antennae and towers makes those spaces inhospitable. There are some areas you cannot shield enough to get healthy numbers.
Get a meter
Lastly, you need a meter. This should be essential equipment in every home in the 21st Century. You are blind to what you are being exposed to if you can't see it by measuring it with a meter. For $179 you can get an Accousticom 2 from Electra Health . Remember 5g has a lot of 4g signaling that we can still measure. The only thing we can't measure is the millimeter wave put out by the 5g phone and antenna. See my previous blog on what is 5g.
For the electrically sensitive individuals, the motivation to protect themselves is high. For people who can't feel it, the motivation is less so because they can sleep at night, don't have excruciating headaches. While pain is not a motivator, the body is still subject to the effects, and long term conditions like cancers, heart disease and diabetes are all linked to non ionizing radiation coming from the electronic devices that emit wifi and microwave radiation that are all around us. I would encourage all to clean up the electro pollution.
Good luck in your house clean up. Take it slow. Be patient, and it will get done, and you will feel so good, and you will have a good deal of protection from 5g.
My next blog will be about shielding. I just got back from a very informative presentation on 5g shielding material and what to do with it that I will be passing along to you.